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Customer Feedback


Speakers: Gershman Acoustics  

Integrated amp:  Hegel  

Previous cables:  Transparent Reference, Siltech  

I had viewed Fidelium Cables with interest for some time. A longtime friend whose system crests $200k called me and told me to ditch every other cable I own . Then PureAudioProject, a company I know and respect endorsed them for internal wiring . The system shown is the most modest of my 3 resolving HiFi Riggs. I really had no need, so I thought of changing anything as I was happy. With the recommendations and the low cost or no cost trial I gave it a whirl. The cables being replaced in this system have a retail of $5000. The speaker cables in my other two systems are 8000 and $15,000 respectively. Within minutes of putting these cables in I knew they were very special. Within about four days of break-in I knew I would never return them. Quite frankly I'm afraid to try them in my other systems as I may be angry at what I had spent. . A side note, the system pictured is temporarily set up in a sunroom and is ultimately destined for a vacation home. I do understand acoustics play a role and all that will be addressed when they reach their resting place. The only recommendation I would give Silversmith, offer a cable management lift. These cables are a home run.